Is my baby ready to start solids?

By Di McHardy

Starting solids with your baby is an exciting milestone. But how do you know if your baby is ready to start solids?

The World Health Organisation currently recommends that babies are exclusively breastfed or formula fed until they are 6 months old (which means no complementary food or beverages until then). However, that does not always mean that all babies are ready for solids once they hit 6 months old. Just like all babies crawl, walk and talk at different times, the same goes for starting solids! This could mean your baby may be ready slightly prior to 6 months old or once they are 6 months old. That’s why it is more important to look for signs of readiness when assessing if your baby is ready to start.

Once your baby is showing the folllowing signs, it is a good indication that your baby’s digestive system is ready:

Sitting unassisted:

When a baby can sit unassisted for a period of time it indicates that their digestive system is strong enough to digest food so this is an important one for them to meet. This doesn’t mean that they need to sit for long periods of time on their own & they may still be able to topple. Babies often reach this milestone around 6 months.

Loss of tongue thrust reflex:

This is where babies push out their tongue when foreign objects come into their mouth and it is mother nature’s mechanism to keep babies safe from choking. Once babies lose this reflex it indicates that they are now ready to swallow and chew food and will not just push it out of their mouth. Babies usually lose this reflex around 4 months old.

Interest & ability to engage at mealtimes:

This may look like your baby trying to grab your food while you are eating or watching you intently while you eat. However interest in food alone is not the exclusive sign and it should be considered once all the other signs are met. They should also be able to have enough head and neck control to lean towards food or turn away to show they are full.

Some babies can take longer to reach these developmental milestones and research has shown that is is beneficial to wait until babies reach the above milestones before starting solids. So remember there is no rush and be led by your baby. If you have any concerns or if your baby hasn’t reached these milestones by 6.5 months old, you could reach out to your healthcare provider for an assessment.

For more information on the how, what, when & recipes for starting solids, shop my Guide to Starting Solids here.


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